The 110 Philosophy™ is an approach to life that will help you manage through all challenges, both personal and professional.
Thanks for coming to visit me at The 110 Philosophy™! My name is Luanne Cameron, and I am excited to share this philosophy with you. My goal is to help others find their way professionally and personally. Life brings many challenges and The 110 Philosophy™, which I’ve developed throughout my successful corporate career, small business ownership, and adventures as a wife, mother and cancer survivor, will guide you through them with tools to help you navigate life’s ups and downs successfully.
The 110 Philosophy™ is all about:
Creating a clear vision that you are excited about!
Not compromising your Guiding Principles and priorities.
Maintaining good problem-solving techniques to get back on track quickly and avoid distractions.
Keeping visuals around you that remind you of your vision and goals.
Tracking results, learning from mistakes and adjusting as necessary.
Being YOU!
How can The 110 Philosophy™ help me?
The 110 Philosophy™ is an attitude and perspective on life that will help you focus on your goals and manage your time wisely. The 110 Philosophy™ will help you become disciplined, bring structure to your hectic schedule, and hone your energy towards those things that matter most in life, but all too often get put off for another day. Fundamentally, it’s about enriching your life and getting 110% out of every moment. When you employ the principles of The 110 Philosophy™ you WILL experience more success in your work and personal life = HAPPINESS!
The 110 Philosophy™ has six parts and one simple equation. Here are some questions to ask yourself:
Vision – What are my long term goals?
Engagement – How can I achieve these goals?
Structure – What elements or constants do I need to keep me disciplined and focused?
Discipline – How can I avoid distractions that keep me from my goals?
Career – How do these steps move me forward professionally?
Life – How do I balance all of this and ensure there’s time for myself, my friends, and my family?

It boils down to this equation:
Clear Vision &
110% Engagement in Life
Structure & Discipline
If you’re interested in learning more, don’t hesitate to contact me at 110Philosophy@gmail.com or by filling out this contact form.